Nikifor Fedorov

Русская версия


I am 18 years old and was born and live in the Saint-Petersburg, Russia. In 2019 I graduated Secondary school №534 with almost all the highest marks. Last year I started studying at Saint-Petersburg's ITMO University on Optics speciality.

I've written my first app in 2018, it was a simple music player for Android named Tortoise (btw, it's still alive) Since 2018 it was changed many times, and I hope I will continue improving this app in future. I've started working with Java 8 not so long ago. The reason for this is quite simple: android restricts using of Java 8+ if you want your app to be supported by older versions of Android (5.1, for example). Since the middle of August I learned much about Stream API, lambda-functions and other pretty features of Java 8. (You can discover my results in my commits for eclipse-passage)



Some regalias


Being a student, I can afford only a part-time (preferably, remote) working during next two years, but I am sure that I will be useful Junior Developer for your company anyway because of my real tasks experience.
